Categoría: Artículos Científicos

Planificación a Largo Plazo en los Deportes Colectivos (Fragmento)

Francisco Seirul·lo Vargas. Profesor del Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Barcelona (Universidad de Barcelona). Preparador Físico del F.C.Barcelona. Introducción En este módulo tratamos la planificación de los deportes de equipo (D.E.), estando bajo esta denominación aquellos deportes (juegos) que, analizados desde varias perspectivas, tienen unas características comunes que los identifican. Pero también hay algunos …

Exercise Therapy for Low Back Pain (Fragment)

A Systematic Review Within the Framework of the Cochrane Collaboration Back Review Group Maurits van Tulder, PhD,* Antti Malmivaara, MD, PhD† Rosmin Esmail, MSc,‡ and Bart Koes, PhD. Study Design. A systematic review of randomized controlled trials was performed. Summary of Background Data. Exercise therapy is a widely used treatment for low back pain. Objectives. …

The Stabilizing System of the Spine. Part I. Function, Dysfunction, Adaptation, and Enhancement (Fragment)

Manohar M. Panjabi. Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticw U.S.A. Summary Presented here is the conceptual basis for the assertion that the spinal stabilizing system consists ofthree subsystems. The vertebrae, discs, and ligaments constitute the passive subsystem. All muscles and tendons surrounding the spinal column that can apply …

Spinal deformity in the adolescent athlete (Fragment)

Kirkham B. Wood, MD. From the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota CLINICS IN SPORTS MEDICINE More and more young people are participating in sports, especially women, who are involving themselves in increasingly strenuous and vigorous competitive activities at an earlier age than ever before.41 Knowledge about the effect sports have on the developing spine and …

Exercises reduce the progression rate of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: Results of a comprehensive systematic review of the literature (Fragment)

NEGRINI, C. FUSCO, S. MINOZZI, S. ATANASIO, F. ZAINA & M. ROMANO ISICO (Italian Scientific Spine Institute), Milan, Italy. Abstract Background. A previously published systematic review (Ped.Rehab.2003 –DARE 2004) documented the existence of the evidence of level 2a (Oxford EBM Centre) on the efficacy of specific exercises to reduce the progression of AIS (Adolescent Idiopathic …

Neck Flexor Muscle Strength, Efficiency, and Relaxation Times in Normal Subjects and Neck Pain and Headache (Fragment)

Pamela M. Barton, MD, Keith C. Hayes, PhD ABSTRACT. Barton PM, Hayes KC. Neck flexor muscle strength, efficiency, and relaxation times in normal subjects and subjects with unilateral neck pain and headache. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996;77:680-7. Objective: To determine the test-retest reliability of a new method for measuring muscular strength, efficiency, and relaxation times …

Is the sagittal configuration of the cervical Spine changed in women with chronic whiplash Syndrome? A comparative computer-assisted Radiographic assessment (Fragment)

Kristjansson, BSc (Manip Ther),a and H. Jo´nsson Jr, MD, PhD Objective: To reveal whether women with chronic whiplash-associated disorder (WAD) symptoms, grade I-II, demonstrate regional and/or segmental radiographic signs of altered cervical lordosis. Design: Case-control study. Setting: Radiography department at a university hospital. Participants: Three age-balanced groups comprising 120 women. The case group included women …

Proprioceptive Coordination of Movement Sequences: Discrimination of Joint Angle Versus Angular Distance (Fragment)

BEVAN, P. CORDO, L. CARLTON, AND M. CARLTON Robert S. Dow Neurological Sciences Institute, Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center, Portland, Oregon 97209 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The purpose of these experiments was to determine the accuracy with which human subjects could discriminate proprioceptive (nonretinotopic) targets during movement. The targets were located at either a specified …

Stumbling reactions in man: significance of proprioceptive and pre-programmed mechanisms (Fragment)

BY V. DIETZ, J. QUINTERN AND M. SILLEM. From the Department of Clinical Neurology and Neurophysiology, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, F.R.G. SUMMARY Electromyogram (e.m.g.) responses of the leg musculature and the corresponding joint movements were studied following a perturbation of the limb during walking on a treadmill, produced by a randomly timed treadmill acceleration impulse, …

Origin and Processing of Postural Information (Fragment)

MITTELSTAEDT. Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Verhaltensphysiologie, D-82319 Seewiesen, Germany This contribution surveys the sources and the processing of spatial information about posture, that is, about the orientation of the body and its parts with respect to the vertical (whereas ‘position’ designates their orientation to each other). Postural information is, to a considerable extent, gained by sense organs …